layout::{Constraint, Direction, Layout, Rect},
text::{Line, Span, Text},
widgets::{Block, Borders, Clear, List, ListItem, Paragraph, Wrap},
use crate::app::{App, CurrentScreen, CurrentlyEditing};
pub fn ui(frame: &mut Frame, app: &App) {
// Create the layout sections.
let chunks = Layout::default()
let title_block = Block::default()
let title = Paragraph::new(Text::styled(
frame.render_widget(title, chunks[0]);
let mut list_items = Vec::<ListItem>::new();
for key in app.pairs.keys() {
format!("{: <25} : {}", key, app.pairs.get(key).unwrap()),
let list = List::new(list_items);
frame.render_widget(list, chunks[1]);
let current_navigation_text = vec![
// The first half of the text
match app.current_screen {
CurrentScreen::Main => Span::styled("Normal Mode", Style::default().fg(Color::Green)),
CurrentScreen::Editing => {
Span::styled("Editing Mode", Style::default().fg(Color::Yellow))
CurrentScreen::Exiting => Span::styled("Exiting", Style::default().fg(Color::LightRed)),
// A white divider bar to separate the two sections
Span::styled(" | ", Style::default().fg(Color::White)),
// The final section of the text, with hints on what the user is editing
if let Some(editing) = &app.currently_editing {
CurrentlyEditing::Key => {
Span::styled("Editing Json Key", Style::default().fg(Color::Green))
CurrentlyEditing::Value => {
Span::styled("Editing Json Value", Style::default().fg(Color::LightGreen))
Span::styled("Not Editing Anything", Style::default().fg(Color::DarkGray))
let mode_footer = Paragraph::new(Line::from(current_navigation_text))
let current_keys_hint = {
match app.current_screen {
CurrentScreen::Main => Span::styled(
"(q) to quit / (e) to make new pair",
CurrentScreen::Editing => Span::styled(
"(ESC) to cancel/(Tab) to switch boxes/enter to complete",
CurrentScreen::Exiting => Span::styled(
"(q) to quit / (e) to make new pair",
let footer_chunks = Layout::default()
.constraints([Constraint::Percentage(50), Constraint::Percentage(50)])
frame.render_widget(mode_footer, footer_chunks[0]);
frame.render_widget(key_notes_footer, footer_chunks[1]);
if let Some(editing) = &app.currently_editing {
let popup_block = Block::default()
.title("Enter a new key-value pair")
let area = centered_rect(60, 25, frame.area());
frame.render_widget(popup_block, area);
let popup_chunks = Layout::default()
.constraints([Constraint::Percentage(50), Constraint::Percentage(50)])
let mut key_block = Block::default().title("Key").borders(Borders::ALL);
let mut value_block = Block::default().title("Value").borders(Borders::ALL);
let active_style = Style::default().bg(Color::LightYellow).fg(Color::Black);
CurrentlyEditing::Key => key_block =,
CurrentlyEditing::Value => value_block =,
let key_text = Paragraph::new(app.key_input.clone()).block(key_block);
frame.render_widget(key_text, popup_chunks[0]);
let value_text = Paragraph::new(app.value_input.clone()).block(value_block);
frame.render_widget(value_text, popup_chunks[1]);
if let CurrentScreen::Exiting = app.current_screen {
frame.render_widget(Clear, frame.area()); //this clears the entire screen and anything already drawn
let popup_block = Block::default()
let exit_text = Text::styled(
"Would you like to output the buffer as json? (y/n)",
// the `trim: false` will stop the text from being cut off when over the edge of the block
let exit_paragraph = Paragraph::new(exit_text)
.wrap(Wrap { trim: false });
let area = centered_rect(60, 25, frame.area());
frame.render_widget(exit_paragraph, area);
/// helper function to create a centered rect using up certain percentage of the available rect `r`
fn centered_rect(percent_x: u16, percent_y: u16, r: Rect) -> Rect {
// Cut the given rectangle into three vertical pieces
let popup_layout = Layout::default()
Constraint::Percentage((100 - percent_y) / 2),
Constraint::Percentage((100 - percent_y) / 2),
// Then cut the middle vertical piece into three width-wise pieces
Constraint::Percentage((100 - percent_x) / 2),
Constraint::Percentage((100 - percent_x) / 2),
.split(popup_layout[1])[1] // Return the middle chunk